Lyme Disease Testing

Lyme disease testing

Positive Lyme disease testing indicates that you have been infected with the bacteria that cause the ticks to infest your body. This does not mean that you have an active infection, but rather that you may have contracted the disease. In the early stages of the infection, antibodies do not produce significant amounts. The body only produces significant amounts of antibodies about two to four weeks after the initial bite. In case of a positive test, your doctor may perform an ELISA test. Then, if the ELISA test results are ambiguous, an immunoblot or IgM/IgG immunoassay will be performed. Alternatively, a test for IgM/IgG antibodies may be done without the ELISA. Click here –

Indicates That You Have Been Infected With The Bacteria That Cause The Ticks To Infest Your Body

The two-tiered antibody test is the standard method of Lyme disease testing. However, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays are becoming more common in clinical settings. These tests detect the DNA of the bacteria causing Lyme in an infected joint. If a positive PCR test is performed, you almost certainly have Lyme disease. However, the accuracy of the lab you visit is critical, and false-negative tests are possible.

In addition to blood tests, doctors may perform brain imaging studies, neurocognitive tests, peripheral nerve tests, nerve conduction studies, small nerve fiber biopsy, and autonomic function tests. In case of cardiac Lyme disease, your doctor may order an electrocardiogram or Holter monitor to evaluate the rhythm of your heart. If cardiac Lyme disease is suspected, you will need to go to the hospital for further monitoring. A temporary pacemaker may be required if your heart block worsens.

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