Resource for Backpacks – Teaching Your Students About Emotional Wellness and Mental Health
Resource for Backpacks
Your students have a Resource for Backpacks almost every day of the school year, with school supplies, snacks, clothing and other self-care items that help them feel secure and prepared to deal with various situations. You can use a similar approach to teach your students about emotional wellness and mental health by filling their Emotional Backpacks with information, ideas, words, thoughts, activities and other self-care tools that will help them grow up happy and healthy.
Message in Your Backpacks (Tm)
Teaching young children about mental health is one of the best ways to promote healthy emotional growth and development. To help teachers and students do just that, we’ve created a downloadable Message in Your Backpacks(tm) document filled with resources to help you talk with your students about their mental health!
The Best Backpack Brands for Any Adventure
MWEEs, or meaningful watershed educational experiences, are the cornerstone of Chesapeake Bay EPA’s environmental literacy efforts. These programs connect standards-based classroom learning with outdoor field experiences to foster a deep understanding of our local waters and the importance of preserving them for generations to come.
Digital Backpack: Flyers – Westerly Public Schools
Requests from non-profit community partners that offer youth-oriented activities and/or programs with an educational value to the student and/or school are welcome on Westerly Public Schools’ digital backpack, but must be approved by the district. Interested entities must provide assurances that their activities and/or programs are not for profit, and if they charge, scholarships or reduced rates are available based on need.