Using a CBD Muscle Balm to Relieve Sore Muscles
A broad-spectrum cbd muscle balm rich muscle balm that cools and soothes as it relieves stubborn aches and pains. It features a cooling effect from eucalyptus, as well as the calming properties of arnica, limonene and linalool for homoeopathic healing. It is a great alternative to traditional over-the-counter and prescription pain medications that can cause harmful side effects.
Whether you’re a first-timer jogger or a full-time gym fanatic, everyone knows the feeling of sore muscles after a hard training session. Thankfully, there are a few ways to help ease the discomfort — including icing, heat pads, electrolyte infusions and foam rollers. But if you want to up the recovery game, try incorporating cbd muscle balm into your post-workout routine.
CBD Oil in Australia: Legalities, Availability, and Benefits
A CBD muscle rub is a topical product designed to be applied directly to the skin. Unlike vape pens, which have a high concentration of active compounds, CBD muscle rubs typically contain no more than 0.3% THC and won’t give you the “high” feeling associated with recreational marijuana use. That makes them a good choice for people who don’t want to feel any psychoactive effects or who live in a state where cannabis is illegal.
When choosing a cbd muscle balm, look for one that is free from synthetic scents, colors and chemical additives. It’s also a good idea to choose a brand that uses plant-based ingredients and is certified vegan, gluten-free, cruelty-free and sustainable. In addition, be sure to select a product that has a high concentration of active CBD and a certificate of analysis from a third-party lab.